
Pluz Care

As Head of Engineering and Product, from 2022 I was responsible for the customer journey and its implementation of a pharmacy marketplace with instant delivery in Vienna. It was realized using Solidus e-commerce itself written in Ruby-On-Rails.


As Technical Product Manager with emphasize on data processing and quality, I helped to adress quality topics on Vienna's local public transport app in 2021.


Starting an engineer in 2013, I shifted to become a product manager in 2018 for this service providing men with a new way to shop clothes online and grow one's taste together with a personal stylist selecting your outfits.


In 2018 MODOMOTO pivoted to a new subscription-based busines model. With a new brand and extended offer, for the first time we also targeted women with our service.

Personal projects


This 2023 web application solves the problem of arriving in a new town and not knowing where to buy public transport tickets. Based on your location it returns a list of apps selling local bus tickets.
Visit Kebus


An EP released in 2019 with original songs I've written and recorded. I sang,played ukuele and bass, and produced.
Checkout my music


A 2016-2023 web application to support my song-writing. It would syncronize songs with note app Evernote to display lyrics in ways better for performing.
Visit Everchords


In order to ease efforts of migrating from Wikis, I begin writing caramelize in 2010. With it, you can export from your wiki to a git-based local repository without losing the edit history.
Checkout at Github


The result of my 2008 bachelor's thesis is an alternative user interface to the graphics software ImageJ. In a node-based UI, image processing steps could be combined in a non-destructive way to build processing pipelines.
Checkout at Github


Supporting my work at CTDP, in 2008 I developed a series of tools for texture asset handling.
Checkout at Github

Cars & Tracks Development Project

Between 2005-2015 I served as 2D artist, product manager and web designer in a group of virtual motorsports enthuasists who created game assets for Simracing games. We released 4 critically acclaimed mods and contributed to 2 games releases.
Learn more about CTDP…

RaceCar Virtual Motorsports Team

For over 20 years, this team combines my love for motorsports with the opportunity to drive online, design cars and meet like-minded people on the way.
Learn more about RaceCar…